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Digital Transformation Guide: Roles

Foto del escritor: Abner BallardoAbner Ballardo

In the previous articles, I proposed that you should discover the Digital Transformation Strategy. After that, the organization leaders should define the Digital Transformation Hypothesis and finally, decide how they are going to execute. In this article, I will share four roles that are required to begin this journey.

Role 1: Transformation Experience (TX)

People with this role are in charge of monitoring how the organization is reacting to the Digital Transformation. Based on that, they should propose changes in the strategy. They should see the strategy as a product and the organization as their customers. So they have to adapt techniques from CX/UX and Service Design to empathize with the feelings, needs, and expectations of everyone affected by the transformation.

If you don’t have this role, you will find out too late that the traditional organization is not adopting the new mindset or even worse, they could have resentments or fake interests.

Main tasks

  • Organize visioning workshops of Digital Transformation

  • Spread the Digital Transformation Hypothesis with all the organization

  • Challenge and propose changes to the Digital Transformation Hypothesis

  • Define and update the Digital Transformation roadmap based on the hypothesis

  • Collect information about who the organization is adopting the Digital Transformation and monitor it

  • Sponsor what other roles do

Role 2: Customer/User Experience

People with this role should ensure the best CX/UX in everything produced or affected by the Digital Transformation. They should bring the point of view of CX/UX in every decision or discussion. Also, they should teach others about the tools they use and share everything they learned about the final customers.

If this role doesn’t have enough strength, you will have products with little or zero focus on final customers. In other words, you will have traditional products, and that is something you should avoid at all costs.

Main tasks

  • Propose and implement changes to improve the CX/UX of any product or value chain assigned to them

  • Collect information to learn and empathize with final customers

  • Monitor and measure the impact of any change

Role 3: Business

People with this role should ensure the business value in everything produced or affected by the Digital Transformation. They should bring a sense of urgency and return of investment in every decision or discussion, but also they should try to understand and value the point of view of CX/UX and Delivery roles.

If this role has more presence than the others, you won’t have the results you expect; but also, if this role doesn’t exist or has less strength, you won’t have good results, either. To find the sweet spot, you will need to find people with the right mindset.

Main tasks

  • Define the vision of the product or value stream assigned to them

  • Experiment but always looking for business value

  • Prioritize tasks based on other roles advice

  • Keep an agile culture

Role 4: Delivery

People with this role should build products and ensure to deliver new capabilities frequently with the best quality. They should bring the importance of keeping the agile values and principles in every decision or discussion. Also, they should teach others about technology and how it could affect decisions about the product.

Finding the right talent for this role is a complicated task. It is not only about technical skills, but also you need people who can challenge the other positions. So, I suggest training them, although it usually takes a lot of time.

Main tasks

  • Deliver increments of functionalities continuously

  • Keep quality in everything they build

  • Automate everything possible

  • Keep an agile culture

Strength Balance

You can achieve the best results when there is a balance between all these roles. To put it another way, if they work as one team where anyone can contribute to achieving a goal, then you will have more chances to be successful.

In my experience, everything depends on people with the right mindset, passion, and courage. The Digital Transformation is a challenging endeavor, and you will need the best talent you can find or train.

Digital Transformation Guide Summary

In the last article, I will share a summary of this guide so you can see the big picture and use it in your organization.

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